Sunday, November 20, 2011

Bald Head Visit #2

I know it has been a while since our last post. The premiere went off without a hitch. It was well received. We had over 200 people attend with another 30 people watching online. It was thrilling for everyone involved.

You can see more pictures from the event here.

This weekend we were invited to the Bald Head Island Conservancy to show our film and lead a discussion with island residents.

It was well received and the students were wonderful as always. Following the showing, the students had a questions answer session and really impressed the audience.

We made it to the beach in time for the sunset
After a late night hike we stayed up to play catch phrase. What a great game. The students were not very thrilled to get up to catch the 7:30 ferry back to the mainland so they took a nap on the way back.
We were lucky enough to have a dolphin join us on our way back.
It was another successful trip. If you still haven't seen our film, please check it out at