Monday, December 6, 2010

Evan's Action Plan and video storyline

This is Evan's outline for our Action Plan:
The issue we selected: Climate change on a coastal level.

Our Target Audience: General Audiences

Our Desired Outcome: To educate others about the impacts humans have upon the natural cycle of climate change, and how it affects our coastal environment. We also hope to help educate the public on eco-friendly practices which will slow this process.

Our Implementation Plan: To create an informative video which will educate the public about this growing issues. The video will include opinions from experts and non-experts in all fields. 

This is what I think should be included in the video:

Main Content Objective: While Climate Change is accelerated by human actions, it can be slowed by eco-friendly decisions and habits.

Hook: Video of little kids conducting an experiment where they raise the water level on a play-doh island. Then an announcer saying: "Imagine if this island was our earth..."

  1. What is climate change? (Little kid interviews/the science explanation)
  2. Ex. of Climate Change Locally
    1. Meteorologists
    2. Fishermen
    3. Solemn Mood at this Point
  3. The Future (what will happen if we keep this up, (Possibly a future world skit?) Model/Demonstration of some kind
  4. WAIT! YOU CAN HELP! (Ways for people to help)
    1. 10 Best Ways to stop climate change
    2. Clips from experts and visuals to accompany 10 things.
  5. Finale! :) 
    1. Wrap up, tie everything together
    2. Summary
    3. "Please do your part. Thank You" 

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