Thursday, December 9, 2010

Our Trip to Holly Shelter

Recently, the CAP students and teachers went to Holly Shelter to learn about how climate change affects this land and species living on the land. One of the trees that is found on Holly Shelter is the Long Leaf Pine. 
Longleaf pine forest
The long leaf pine flourishes in dry environments and is affected by climate change. As the temperature increases, sea-levels also rise. This will cause water to push into the habitats of the long leaf pines, which will, consequently, cause them to die because they need dry environments in order to live.
Keith and Katy teaching the students about the long leaf pine ecosystem

As the long leaf pines disappear, species that depend on these trees also start to disappear. For instance, the red-cockaded woodpeckers live in the long leaf pines and as the sea levels rise and cause the pines to disappear, a home is taken away from the red-cockaded woodpeckers, and they could potentially become extinct. 
Red Cockaded Woodpecker Hole in a pine tree

Keith and Katy teaching the students about the red-cockaded woodpecker

At Holly Shelter we also learned about Venus Flytraps which only grow wild in South and North Carolina (within a 100 mile radius of Wilmington NC) and need wet land to survive. Venus Flytraps are affected by climate change, as well. As the climate changes there is a potential for a drought, which can end up killing all of the Venus Flytraps. 
Venus Flytraps
 Other carnivorous plants we saw included pitcher plants and sundews.
Yellow pitcher plants

Purple pitcher plants

Sundews. This plant is about the size of a dime.
Jessica, Dustin, and Keela with a pitcher plant
Another animal that is affected by climate change are frogs. We saw a pond that the park had created trying to reintroduce the gopher frog.

Overall, climate change affects not only humans, but plants, and animals.
Dustin, Jessica, and Keela in front of the river

Dustin thought the girls could use a swim

Look! Over there!
Megan, Jessica, Bryan, Keela, and Dustin. Sadly, we were missing Evan

1 comment:

  1. Hey Cape Fear!
    My name is Aaron Suarez and I'm from Corpus Christi. Our group is attending the DC Conference as well, but I wanted to drop by and just say hey! I think that the blog is looking amazing and I love being able to see such a beautiful environment in your pictures. Its breathtaking and completely different than the environment here.
    Check out our blog:
    Feel free to comment or message us. We'd love to stay in contact.
